Hailing from Vancouver, Canada, Emengy has been a haven for all things bass music. Whether you are looking for melodic or heavy, this label houses all sorts of bass music for every listener to enjoy. This year they are back at it again with the 4th volume of their Bass Dreams collaboration, a compilation of the hard and heavy that they put out around this time every year to get us ready for spooky season. This years’ roster is jam packed with incredible artists such as BERNZIKIAL, Kris Cayden, Zoobstool and many many more talented producers. Today’s premiere of this 30 track collection is by heavy hitters Smiles Only. This duo has come out swinging with their track “Codebreaker” which combines the perfect mix of hard and heavy. This one is definitely a track that we hope to see rinsed out in the future because it’s booming bass lines and nasty drops will get anyone up and bouncing around! Let’s take a deeper dive into why we are calling “Codebreaker” and the rest of the Bass Dreams Vol. 4, a certified bop.

“Blending elements of melodic and bass, Codebreaker comes together to set you on a futuristic journey. The Vancouver-based duo is set to impress a variety of bass enthusiasts. It’s time for a sonic adventure.”

Diving Deep w/ Smiles Only
1. How did you decide to get into music? Was there a certain event in your childhood/life that made you stop and realize that you wanted to pursue a career in music?
“We both got into music mainly because of how music can capture raw emotions and tell beautiful stories. Neither of us would say that there was one specific moment, instead, it was the connection that we developed with music that inspired us. The main reason “Smiles Only” was created was because of this mutual love for that part of music and wanting to create it ourselves and, in a way, give back to music what music gave to us.”
2. What kind of impact do you wish to have on the scene 1-2 years from now with your project?
3. What has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned since you started making music? Do you have any words of wisdom for aspiring producers hoping to follow in your footsteps?
“Definitely, “Don’t compare yourself to others”. It’s really easy to get into a bad headspace when you compare your success against others and at the end of the day, there’s no real reason to. Everybody who creates a form of art will have a different journey, so it’s better to focus on yourself and learn what your own journey will be. Set practical short-term and long-term goals that you know you have the potential to achieve.”
4. What’s next for Smiles Only? What are some goals you’re trying to hit in the near future?
“Definitely connecting and collaborating with more artists and dialling in our own sound. We’ve started to work on both of the goals recently, and it’s been a lot of pushing ourselves out of our boundaries. We’re really happy with the tracks we’ve been creating with other artists and pushing out a new level of quality that we haven’t quite hit before.”
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