There is nothing quite like the nostalgia of old 2000s dubstep. Being able to be transported back in time to an era where dubstep was on the rise is a treat, and who better to do it than Wakaan rising star and bass wizard, Ravenscoon. Aiming to replicate this heavy dancefloor sound with some of his own flairs, Ravenscoon has stepped up to the plate with his latest EP release, Collide, a three track monster designed to bring yo back to the days of some of the most iconic dubstep tracks. Featuring up and coming dubstep artists such as Ruvlo and VLCN, this entire EP hits hard from start to finish. Our premiere that we have the pleasure of presenting to you all today, “Bussin”, is soon to be a festival hit with its heavy bass lines and driving melodic synths. Though this EP seems to be a juxtaposition to Ravenscoon’s previous EP, the classic 808 sound produced by this artist is not to be beat. Let’s take a deeper dive into why we are calling “Bussin” and the rest of the Collide EP, a certified bop

“I wanted to round off 2022 by releasing three of my heaviest tunes to date – all specifically designed to smash the dancefloor. The COLLIDE EP is my way of showing my fans that I can do it all while also highlighting two of my favorite up and coming dubstep producers, VLCN & RUVLO. Each song revolves around driving melodies, energetic 808 intros, and massive sounding bass design. Continuing my tradition of releasing an EP in December, this year’s installment seems to be the heavier spiritual successor to last year’s FUN & GAMES EP where I explored the trap & “wook bass” sound.”

Diving Deep w/ Ravenscoon
1. How did you decide to get into music? Was there a certain event in your childhood/life that made you stop and realize that you wanted to pursue a career in music?
I’ve loved music my whole life – both of my parents have always been big fans of listening to music and going to live concerts, which definitely left a positive impression on me. My mom played the flute for many years and my grandmother plays piano – so there’s generations of music lovers.
I realized I hated my corporate job and music is what makes me happier than almost anything – it was a moment of clarity when I realized it was always music that was my passion
2. You definitely have a very unique name for your project. Does the name have a specific meaning or derived from something in your life? Is there a story fans might not know about how you came to this name for your project?
My last name is Conversano – italian heritage. My family immigrated to the united states at the turn of the 20th century.
I am a big fan of Donald Glover (childish gambino) who got his name from an online WuTang Clan name generator. I decided to put my name in an anagram maker and chose the first one that stood out to me.
It echos themes of things being familiar but also new – and not being always as they seem.
3. It can be very hard sometimes separating music from day to day life when it’s a huge part of your life. How do you personally separate your artist life from your everyday life, and have you faced any challenges doing so?
I have a problem with overworking – but this isn’t specific to music. I had a hard time separating my old job from leisure time, sometimes working late into the night and on weekends.
I remind myself to take breaks and set boundaries and schedules for myself. My partner is also helpful in keeping me grounded.
4. As an artist, you can experience a number of road blocks along the way to achieving your goals. What motivates you to continue to be creative and make music even when times get tough?
My passion and love for music. When something is your true passion, the rest of the BS is just a distraction. I feel infinite creativity and inspiration every day and that keeps me going no matter what
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