Each and everyday there are new and exciting artists catapulting themselves through the electronic bass scene all making their mark with their own unique sound. One such talent is Kentucky producer, Nomis.wav, who has been changing the game with his electric soundscapes. Today, we have the pleasure of bringing forth his latest release, “Ultrasonic”, and the title tells all for what this track hold. With a high tempo melody and deep heavy bass line, this track is not one to miss. It’s combination of high energy synths and bouncy drops makes this track something that gets you up and on your feet no matter where you are. We will definitely be rinsing this out for the foreseeable future! Let’s take a deeper dive into why we are calling this stomper “Ultrasonic”, a certified bop.

“I feel like Ultrasonic is such a good representation of my sound – it’s one of my favorites I’ve ever made. It came as this burst of pent up creative energy after not making anything new for a few weeks. I love this track, I’ll be playing this one for a long time.”

Diving Deep w/ Nomis.wav
1. What is your biggest inspiration to this day that has helped shape your style of music and why?
I feel like I am constantly drawing inspiration from people and things around me, but at the core of it all the idea of innovation is what inspires me every time I sit down to create something. Striving to be unique to myself as an artist is super important to me. Artists that are in their own lanes creatively and are constantly pushing the scene forward, seeing that lights this fire in me to want to do the same with my project. Space Laces, Moody Good, Porter Robinson, Ivy Lab, Madeon, Kanye – the list goes on, but those are just a few that come to mind.
2. If there was one thing you could change for the betterment of society, what would it be and why?
This is a tough one… partially because I have so many possible answers but also because there so many ways American society could be improved. I think a lot of the problems that exist within our society stem from a general lack of empathy – and if more people were able to find it within themselves to be more empathetic it would lead to other problems being resolved. Now how we lead people to becoming more empathetic, that’s another discussion, but in my opinion it starts with people being genuinely more curious in one another. When I try to take a step back and look from the outside in, it seems that our generation is more empathetic than those before us, so I have a lot of hope for the future. Maybe switch to a 4 day work week and allow people more time to explore their interests? I’m not sure what specific thing I would change, but I think promoting creativity and allowing everyone more time to pursue what genuinely interests them would shift society in the right direction.
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