Finding some absolutely insane high energy slappers can be a huge task with all of the available music on the market. Today, we have come to ease your intense search for the latests heaters in the freeform bass world with today’s premiere, brought to you by bass wizards msft. and VARI. Teaming up to release their latest track “crash course”, both of these artists have created a tune that packs a punch, filled with some incredible uptempo soundscapes. With changing tempos, bouncy synths, and a driving bassline, this track has all of the elements of an outright stomper that you do not want to be sleeping on. Let’s take a deeper dive into why we are calling “crash test”, a certified bop.

“I had such a fun time working with VARI. This song represents the perfect combination between our styles and the directions we’re taking with music right now. Crash Test is a ravey, ominous 150bpm breaks track and this is the representation of how we want our music to sound.” -msft.
“msft and I had been talking about doing a track for a while, and after getting the idea down for Crash Test it felt like the perfect one to work with. It feels like we both got to come in and flex our styles on the track, and I really love how it came out.”-VARI
Diving Deep w/ msft. and VARI
1. How did you decide to get into music? Was there a certain event in your childhood/life that made you stop and realize that you wanted to pursue a career in music?
“I decided to start making my own music in 2014, it was a peak moment for European EDM, I used to watch every single major festival livestream (Tomorrowland, UMF, etc), it was such an impactful era and I couldn’t not start to make my own stuff. I wanted to feel the same emotions with my own music. It is something very deep that sometimes is hard to describe.” -msft.
“I had always been into music (specifically guitar) from a young age, and up until high school was always a rock/metal/alt rock fan. I recall during an arts festival in 9th grade there were a couple guys who setup some speakers and threw a “rave”, which was my first real exposure to dance music. After seeing that, I fell in love with the sound and experience, and realized I wanted to be that person on the stage playing the music for people.” -VARI
2. What is your biggest inspiration to this day that has helped shape your style of music and why?
“I have multiple inspirations, my day 1 idol has always been Porter Robinson, the ability he has to make both emotional music and timeless bangers is honestly unmatched. Nowadays my fav artists are Peekaboo, IMANU, Nitepunk, LSDREAM and the list goes on.” -msft.
“Even before I got into EDM I had always specifically loved a good melody or chord progression. The melodic aspects of metal and rock music are so underrated, and that sound is what drew me in. As I got into EDM I listened to a bunch of progressive house for the same reasons, and it was a big part (and still is) of my process in music to put heavy emphasis on the chords and progression of a track.” -VARI
3. What has been a personal career struggle that you have battled with the most and how has it helped mold your character for the better good presently?
“It has to be living in Italy. Sadly my country is not very open to bass music events/festivals. Europe in general in the past few years showed a lack of interest in electronic music (comprared to the golden age 2010-2015). Knowing 99% of the industry is in the US sometimes is a struggle and a reason to overthink, but I know one day I will get there.” -msft.
“I feel like I’ve always fallen into a bit of overdiversification. I’ll flip back and forth, dropping a heavy distorted bass track followed by a melodic hardwave track. This year alone I released a 3-track EP of slower melodic tracks, and then followed it up with an EP of my heaviest most aggressive rave tracks yet. It’s a challenge to create all the types of music that interest me without diluting the project too much. It’s mainly pushed me to find specific pieces of my style to hold consistent, even if the genre of the track may change. I want to be able to produce any type of track and still have it sound like VARI” -VARI
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