Being able to bend reality and warp minds using sound is a talent that bass artists have learned to master and inject into their music, capturing the attention of ears all over the globe. Using deep complex basslines, catchy melodies and intricate samples, Chicago based artist, KTRL, has put forth an absolute heater of an EP entitled Don’t Fall Asleep that is not to be missed. Our premiere today off this 3 track masterpiece, “Trouble”, combines dark and moody soundscapes with driving synths and melodies, giving this track a unique and bouncy rhythm that can be heard across the EP’s entirety. There is no doubt that KTRL is about to take the bass scene by absolute storm with this release. Let’s take a deeper dive into why we are calling “Trouble” and the rest of the Don’t Fall Asleep EP, a certified bop.

“Wanted to create a project that’s cohesive & tells a story. Don’t Fall Asleep is the title track & bounces off well with the others. So happy it came together & I hope yall enjoy!” -KTRL

1. How do you keep your sets fresh and exciting for both yourself and your audience? 
I honestly crate dig prior to the set, slap 70+ songs in it that I’m feeling (including my own,) choose the first 2 songs then wing it from there! Every set I do this! It keeps it super fun & fresh for me up there. No set is ever the same or the same order of tunes. We like to keep everyone on their toes. Including myself LOL.
2. How do you stay inspired as an artist and avoid creative blocks?
Inspiration comes in waves for me no doubt. I’ll make 4-8 songs in a one month span then take a nature break for a couple weeks then get back to it. Been hiking a ton lately & it’s opened the door so much more for inspiration nowadays. Even writing music outside is a whole trip in itself! But most importantly it’s the music always!! I’ve been in love with electronic music since I was 12. There is nothing comparable & I’ll continue to always have passion to create weird sounds & stuff 🙂
3. If you could create a soundtrack for any movie or video game, which one would it be and why?
YOOO I love this question!! Definitely would be music for the game Apex Legends. My favorite game ever for sure. I’ve played it for way too long & for a godly amount of hours unfortunately hahaha. Also I think some type of cyberpunk anime would be SICK. 
4. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received in the music industry?
 Best piece of advice I’ve gotten so far is to be myself always, create what makes you happy, & BE CONSISTENT. That’s been my main goal coming into this year, & I’ve released more music than ever so far. Building relationships & being a good human is always the motto over at the KTRL team.