Heater after heater, track after track, our friends over at Muti Music have continuously brought forth some of the most incredible names in the up-and-coming bass world to date. Whether it be nasty dubstep or wonky 140, the stream of immense talent they have featured over the last few months has been nothing short of amazing. Today, we team up with them again to showcase today’s premiere by none other than Canadian bass artist, Cthulhu Basscraft. With his latest deep dub creation “Legends Never Die”, he has made an absolute name for himself both in CA and in the United States as well. This track is a stomper from start to finish with its low, driving bassline and electric synths, entrancing listeners from the very firs measure. This artist has been on our radar especially after this release so make sure to go check him and the rest of Muti Music out! Let’s take a deeper dive into why we are calling “Legends Never Die”, a certified bop.

“My intent on creating ‘Legends Never Die’ was hugely based around a sample from one of my childhood favorite movies ‘The Sandlot’ and also Ivy Lab’s set at Bass Coast 2022 was a pretty big inspiration. Their set was eargasmic, It made me want to build a more minimalistic bass, more chill type beat behind the sample, but still a little heavy with a resse bass to hopefully get your stink face on and weak at the knees.”

Diving Deep w/ Cthulhu Basscraft
1. How did you decide to get into music? Was there a certain event in your childhood/life that made you stop and realize that you wanted to pursue a career in music?
I got into producing shortly after starting DJing in 2008. Music has always been a huge part of my life, the homies and I would always love to find new tunes or artists to show each other, but I realized DJ/producing was what I wanted to pursue after my first music festival ‘Motion Notion’ in 2008. I was hooked after FreQ Nasty’s set hearing dubstep for the first time. My homie KNRVUS and I took a Digital Audio Productions course together and I’ve been hooked on making beats ever since.
2. What kind of impact do you wish to have on the scene 1-2 years from now with your project?
I would love to inspire others as I have been inspired by other artists. Hopefully I can recreate that for others.
3. What has been one of the most memorable career achievements so far as an artist and how did that impact you moving forward?
The most memorable career achievement was probably either when OmUnit liked one of my tracks on Soundcloud. I had to message him to find out how he stumbled upon it. He “heard 2 kids playing at a music festival in Canberra, Australia”. I was ecstatic that OmUnit train spotted my track from these kids, that he liked my track and that it was being played at a festival in Australia across the world from me. That was around 2015 when I was DJ/producing under the alias Spenny B, the track was ‘wake up’ if you’re curious what track it was. The other would have to be seeing a video of JPOD closing his Shambhala set with a collaboration track I had done with Jake Robertz ‘Snake Charmer’. Seeing that energy and finding out you’ve touched people with your music, especially someone you look up to, definitely adds fuel to the passion.
4. What has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned since you started making music? Do you have any words of wisdom for aspiring producers hoping to follow in your footsteps?
Don’t compare yourself to others, it will only slow you down and depress you. Compare yourself to yourself last year, you’ll most likely see a massive improvement. If you don’t see a change or improvement, try changing something up. Definitely take a class on digital audio production and/or subscribing to your favorite artists twitch channels or take thier Zoom lessons. That’s a great way to learn new techniques and ideas to get the creative juices flowing.
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