Time and time again, Deadbeats has been a hub for rising electronic bass stars to showcase their talents. Whether it be new tracks, EPs or albums Deadbeats is the place to go for all kinds of fresh and exciting sounds. Bring some heavy hitting sound to Deadbeats with their latest EP release, Rush Hour, the newly formed duo consisting of bass wizards Black Carl! and SAKA have packed some absolute heat into their most recent four track collaboration. The title track, “Rush Hour” which we have the pleasure of premiering for you today, is the perfect combination of deep wubby bass and uptempo energy that will get you up on your feet no matter where you listen to it. This track’s deep booming bass lines are a driving force that propels this soundscape to a whole new dimension. We will definitely have this entire EP on repeat for the foreseeable future. Let’s take a deeper dive into why we are calling “Rush Hour” and the rest of this incredible collaboratory EP, a certified bop.

“When Eric and I first met, we joked that we should make a song called “Rush Hour.” Three years later we got to play the biggest tour of our careers, we’re putting out the Rush Hour EP on DeadBeats, and Zeds Dead played our title track at Red Rocks. It’s hard to believe, but we’re so thankful for the support of our fans, friends, and family who got us to this point.”
Diving Deep w/ Black Carl! and SAKA
1. What has been one of the most memorable career achievements so far as an artist and how did that impact you moving forward?
“I honestly think it was when I opened up Shambhala. Literally one of the best festivals in the world in my opinion. It impacted me hard cause now I miss Canada really bad and wanna go back haha.” -Black Carl!
2. What would you tell your younger self today knowing where you’re at now and what it took to get there?
3. If you could go back in time and start over given what you have learned in your career so far, what changes and approach would you have done differently?
4. If there was an artist you had the chance to collaborate with, who would it be and why?
How sick would a collab be between me, my nonexistent turtle and Lil Tecca ??? Lil Tecca on a liquid tune ? Slaps ??
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